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About Martinbjulieb

  • Birthday October 14

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  1. Do you actually have to stop working at 60 to claim your super is you no longer live in Australia?
  2. Our son is planning a trip to Australia either the end of 2023 or 2024. His Australian passport expired last year. He was 13 when he got this one so from reading up on this I know he cannot renew it online, he has to go to the Embassy in London. My question is this. He has booked an appointment in February. Does he now have to do anything else or just go to his appointment, presumably with his passport, other identification documents and his Citizenship Certificate? Hoping someone can advise. Thanks.
  3. Can anyone advise? My 19 year old wants to go back to Australia for a couple of years to work/travel. He has Citizenship and up to date passport. Can he just go? Does he have to fulfil a criteria?? Thanks.
  4. We used a company called HIFX, both in 2007 moving out and 2017 moving back. I don’t remember the fees exactly but they must have been good as we used them twice. I think you can go on their website and get a quote.
  5. We used a company called HIFX, both in 2007 moving out and 2017 moving back. I don’t remember the fees exactly but they must have been good as we used them twice. I think you can go on their website and get a quote.
  6. My husband has a possible opportunity to work back in Australia for 3 years before he retires. I would stay in the UK as our children are at uni and college. Would it be possible for him to travel back 2/3 times per year and then re enter Australia? I am specifically thinking of Covid. He has had his vaccinations. We are all Australian citizens and lived in Perth between 2007-2017. Any advice?? TIA.
  7. What I meant was that our advisor in Perth fully knows the ins and outs of our super accounts as we have been with them since 2009 and they look after our investments still. BUT as they are Australian they don’t fully understand the UK tax implications so they recommended a firm that specialise in both countries so we could get the full picture. However I was only getting some free advice from them so spoke in very general terms to get some advice on tax etc.
  8. I understand what you are saying. I work 3 days and the idea was that my husband would drop to 4 days for a year or two and then 3 and we would use our super to top up our salary. I can see that an annuity is not the way though! I have just had my appointment with a company who specialise in Australia/U.K. pensions and now we need to discuss this with our advisor in Perth as they know our situation so will hopefully be able to advise on the Australian side of things whereas they don’t know about the U.K. side!
  9. Thank you @Marisawright I have a financial planning meeting soon so I will be discussing it then. Initial thoughts would be to only convert one of our funds and leave the other one so we could access lump sums if required.
  10. Is an income stream or allocated pension different?
  11. Spoils it for the sensible ones then!! I don’t consider 56 to be too early to semi retire.
  12. Why not? We want to access our super earlier than the Australian government allows (our money so not quite sure why you have wait until they say!) so this may be a way of doing it. Obviously I am going to take financial advice I just wondered if it was possible first.
  13. Does anyone know can you buy an annuity with your Super funds before the age of 60? TIA.
  14. They might haggle about claims though! If I remember correctly our belongings were insured for 60 days after they went into storage as we didn’t know where we were ending up at that time.
  15. We used Chess. Britannia at this end and they were amazing!! Don’t get your insurance through them though. We used Letton Percival. I think they are mentioned on here somewhere. Good luck!
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